

For å sikre at klimaanlegget kan regulere temperaturen i toget, er pålitelig måling og temperaturregulering en selvfølge. Temperaturfølerne og termostatene skal tåle forholdene som oppstår på grunn av bevegelsen. De må også være vibrasjonssikre.

Våre komponenter


Have a good trip with pleasant temperatures

JUMO ensures the right temperature in the compartment and driver's cab

Reliable data on the climatic conditions inside railroad cars or driver's cabs are required for optimum control and regulation of air-conditioning systems. JUMO’s RTD temperature probes provide reliable temperature values to help you maintain a pleasant ambient temperature. You can also use JUMO thermostats to monitor and control the temperature. Air heating, hot-water heating, and convection heating are often used to assist the air-conditioning system. Here, too, JUMO can provide reliable devices for you to monitor and control your heating system.

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